Monday, January 23, 2006


so this weekend I was having friends over to watch a very important football game and I hurried to clean my apartment from the chaotic mess that it was... I didn't have enough time to finish the ten loads of laundry I need to do so I crammed my dirty laundry not into my closet... but into my shower. Thankfully I had enough room in my shower.
For some crazy reason today that whole making my apartment look good on the surface popped into my head. Behind my closet door and cupboard doors and even behind my shower cutain remains the same chaos that I was trying to hide from my visitors. It made me think. How many other areas of my life do I hide the chaos from people and only show them my clean and tidy self. I am really not "a mess" inside but I am sometimes messy. Those that really know me already know how messy my room can get. Is it really necesary to hide the mess or should I clean house on the inside messiness. Hmm. Deep thoughts. I am not even sure where to start "cleaning house".

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