Today is just another day and yet it is a day that has been capitalized on by the card companies and chocolate makers of the world. It is a day filled with flowers and hearts and at elemantary schools around the world children are giving other children a card and candy to tell them how cool they are. I think that we should have Valentine's Day more often if it is going to encourage others to say nice things to eachother and hearts to be warmed in the process.
Last year on this day I was celebrating my first Valnetines day with a boyfriend. I had never had a holiday(besides the 4th of July) to celebrate with someone special. It is even better this year because I love him with so much of my heart that at times I get all sappy, emotional, and teary eyed just looking into his eyes and thinking about how much I love him. I have always been a hopeless romantic and always wanted someone special in my life. I have found an amazing man and hope that next year at this time he will be my husband.
I am ready to face all of my fears and get on with my life. Ready to commit to someone for the rest of my life. That is scary! Especially growing up in the family that I did. My parents are again getting legally seperated and moving to oposite sides of the state. It will be a whole lot easier than them living in the same house being awful towards eachother.
I have high hopes for my marriage and know that it is going to be alot of work. I am in for the long haul. Willing to go through whatever it takes to make it work. It is going to be fun and wonderful too don't get me wrong. I am excited to get married... I am just being realistic and not sugar coating the next fifty years of my life. I am so glad that God is the center of our relationship. With God in the middle I know that it will be alot easier to get through each day. Besides... "I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength." Phil 4:13
So no I am still not engaged and yes I do believe that Dan is the man that God has in mind for me to spend my life with.
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