Friday, January 23, 2009

Baby Henley

This morning just after 2am I received a text saying that Cheramie was in labor. The friend that texted me, Katie, had taken a sleeping pill to get to sleep and was in no way able to drive but wanted to go to the birth center. I was still awake... hadn't yet fallen asleep... so I hopped in my car to get Katie and go meet the little one who would soon be coming into the world.
Katie and I got to the birthing center just before 3am and joined Amy, Patty, and Adam's dad in the waiting room. At 3:10am we heard the cries of joy from momma Cheramie, daddy Adam, and little baby Henley.
We waited for about ten minutes and then a proud daddy walked into room and announced the arrival of their little boy. Solomon Mack Henley. Weighing in at 7 pounds 14 ounces. Length of 20 inches.
So I have nieces only so far... so its ok for me to say he is one of the cutest little baby boys I have ever seen! Everyone will be happy to know he has dimples... and the cutest lips.
He is truly a miracle baby. God protected and preserved his life as was prayed over him when he was just beginning to develop in his mommas womb. Amazing. I am in awe yet again of how awesome our God is.
Congratulations Adam and Cheramie! I love you both and am so happy to see the beginning of your beautiful family!


  1. I noticed the clock on the wall in Patty's facebook pictures... the pic of you holding him says "5:30" and I thought, "Wow, Jami was up EARLY!" :)

    What a cute baby! Oh how I love babies! How special that you guys were able to be there.

  2. What fun to be there!

    Laurel :)
