Wednesday, January 07, 2009

tough night of sleep

last night I decided to try to go to sleep earlier than I have the past week. so at a 1:30am I turned out the lights and closed my eyes. some of you may know that my right ear has been having issues for the last few weeks. last night was a tough one for my ear. It felt like I had a cold draft going directly into my ear and no matter how I moved around it was just impossible to get comfortable. The last time I looked at the clock it was almost 3:30am. I dozed off and not even an hour later I woke up to moisture on my face. I thought my ear drum had ruptured... and then I felt a drip on my head. I quickly turned a light on and found that there was water dripping from a screw in the tract my closet door would hang from if I hadn't removed them. It was the middle of the night and I was not about to wake up the family that I live with. So I went into the bathroom where a large bin filled with materials being used to demolish the bathroom was located. I found some plumbers putty and gobbed some putty into the area where the drip was coming from. I placed a towel on my bed where the drip was originally felt and rearranged myself on a dry area of my bed. then tried to fall asleep again. my ear was back to having some issues. it took me another hour to fall back asleep. to my chagrin I awoke again at 9:30 to the sound of demolition in the bathroom. a wall and a vanity were being removed. this went on for two hours. needless to say. it was not the best night of sleep.

1 comment:

  1. Aww, Jami. I'm sorry, that was one seriously rough night.

    You are a trooper to survive that.
