Sunday, August 10, 2008

why have a planner...

...when our lives are like a mist?
we do not know what tomorrow holds.
so we must take hold of each day.
hold it as a treasure.
for what it is so beautifully named.
the present.


  1. ahhhh.... the mist is refreshing

  2. lol! thanks ang!
    In case there are others out there thinking I went off the deep end and/or not sure what to think of this blog... I was "let go" (a nice way of saying fired) on Sunday from my job and this blog was me saying something without saying all that I really wanted to say. so there it is.
    I have a peace about everything that I did as an employee at my old job so I am just doing my part and looking for where the next step the Lord has for me might be.

    James 4:14
    Why, you do not even know what will happen tomorrow. What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes.

    that is the verse that I gathered my deep thoughts moment from.

    keep me in your prayers. and pray that I am continuous and patiently seeking the next step.
