Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Farmer in the Dell

So I have been house sitting for a family from my church and they have enlightened me on the responsibilities of a farmer. I have been feeding a watering the chickens twice a day. They are kept in the shed, the doors are secured by two twisty ties to keep the raccoons out, and then inside a small box with a makeshift lid and a heat lamp. I take the lid off every time I enter the shed to get to fill up the water and food. As soon as I open the lid feathers are flying through the air. I think the little chicks are happy to see me. The smell is pungent. I quickly grab the water container and exit the shed to fill it up with the hose. Breathing fresh air for a few minutes enables me to go into the shed yet again. These chicks are about two months old and some growing faster and larger than the others. I scoop out the right portions of corn and chick feed making them squawk louder. After filling up both containers I put the lid back on the box making sure all chicks are securely inside. Exit the shed and secure it with the twisty ties. Mission accomplished.
All I need is some rubber boots, overalls, and a straw hat. Though I enjoyed my time with the chicks... I don't think I am quite cut out for the life of a farmer.

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