It never ceases to amaze me how long I can go without having to do laundry. Guess what! Its laundry day! Having run out of my favorite items to wear I MUST do laundry today. So that is what I am doing. It makes me slightly disgusted at myself. Having lived in Africa for a few months... I saw the same children day after day running through the streets eager to play and spend time with us. They were dirty and wore the same clothes often day after day. Some of them had a couple outfits. Were they of the latest fashion? nope. The clothes they wore were probably shipped over there about a decade after they were first made and worn. Some of there clothes had holes in it and yet they still wore them. One precious little girl loved her dress even though the ribbon was missing and there was a tear in the front.
So I sit here on my floor folding my clothes and thinking I don't need to buy anything else. How often do I find myself wanting the latest of fashions? Why? Why must we all dress to the standard of what someone in the fashion world says is the "now" item? I like to think I have some classic tastes so I think I will be ok not spending money on clothes for awhile. (Sorry Stacy and Clinton!) Maybe until I finish college. I wonder if I can do it? I have so many clothes I could make it. Even if I fluctuate in size I have about four different sizes in my closet. I think I can do it. Friends. Please encourage me NOT to spend money. I have so many things in my closet already. Unless you want to buy me something I am not going to buy myself anything. I am going to say it is ok for me to use my birthday or Christmas money to buy clothes... with the condition that I have to get rid of as many items as I purchase.
So I am back to folding my mounds of now clean laundry and organizing piles into like items. Not quite ready to say goodbye to the comfort of having so many options. I think I'm not quite ready to be a missionary. Thats ok. I have a couple years before my education will be complete. And maybe a couple years of experience in the medical field before I will be jumping in to that adventure. Phew.
Lord please help me not to be so captivated by the every changing things that the world finds so important. I know in my heart that what I am wearing on a day to day basis is of no eternal value... however, I am vain and want to look hot every day! Sigh. Change me Lord. Give me a new perspective. As often as I look at my closet help me to be thankful for the blessings of a full closet. Help me to be disciplined as I strive to not spend money. (yikes!) I need an awakening in that spirit of discipline you have given me... I think it has been sleeping. Ha! You have blessed me greatly Lord! Thanks for your reminders of those blessings. I know even if I don't buy clothes for a year I will not look like a bum. You cloth the lilies of the field and you care so much more for your children. I know you will continue to provide for me.
Children in Africa have 1-3 worn-out outfits, and yet you roll your eyes when I roll my jeans up on hot summer days or wear something slightly out of fashion... (I do appreciate your fashion-assistance).
ReplyDeleteI, you're frugal friend, will totally hold you to not buying any clothes. :)
So. When do you want to have that yard sale? :)
ReplyDeleteI was thinking mid to end July for the garage sale. My mom will be gone for a month as soon as the school year is over. So I have a month to go through all of my stuff and sort, purge, organize. When is a good time for you?