Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Sweating Buckets of Grace

Today was a "work day" at the house I live in. We started early so it would be cooler in the unfinished upstairs where our project is focused. By 11am the temperature upstairs felt like 90 degrees. By 1pm the sweat was pouring down my face the temperature had to be in the 100s by then. I don't know how many times I wiped my brow with my arm. It was a HOT work day.
The best part about the work day is almost always the end of the work day. To see the hours of sweat and hauling and sorting pay off... I think we cleared about 5x10 ft today. Amazing! Though I am unsure of this project ever being completed... I am ever so grateful for the provision of the Lord... giving me this place to live while I finish college without having to pay rent. And with a family I am learning so many things from. Loving with patience, listening and learning from very different perspectives, what I do and don't want in my marriage; to name just a few. God is so good to give me this experience. I hope that I can be used in this home too. Sometimes I feel like God is using me, and others I feel like my stupid thoughts and pride and frustrations muck it all up and I just get in the way of God working. I am counting on that grace that God so freely gives us. Praying that more of His grace will fall in the house I live in... and that God will do big works in each of our lives. How might the Lord be challenging me in this home? I think He is calling me to respect the man of the house. Something I have struggled with because of my past and also because it is hard to respect a man who frequently displays reasons to not deserve my respect. I am reminded to give this man grace. Maybe an attitude adjustment of my own will have positive affects beyond what I can imagine. Acting or speaking out of frustration does not generally get a good reaction or response. On the other hand. Acting or speaking in grace would merit a completely different reaction or response. It is a choice I have every time something happens in my home. I am challenging myself to choose grace more often than not. My hope is that I can sweat grace as much as I sweat buckets when the "temperatures" start to rise.


  1. wow, is that an actual bucket full of your sweat?! :-0

  2. yes Joey. yes it is a bucket of my own sweat. just from today. amazing isn't it?!

  3. Great lesson the Lord is teaching you!
